Anushka Sharma gave birth to her second child in February this year. Anushka gave birth to son A in London. After that, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli shared the good news of their son with their fans on social media. Virat Kohli is busy with IPL 2024 these days, Anushka is reportedly back in India.
Anushka Sharma returned to India with her son
There was talk that Virat Kohli and Anushka moved to the UK in January. Actually, soon after the birth of his son, Virat Kohli was seen in London with his daughter Bhamika. According to a recent viral post on social media, Anushka Sharma showed her son Akai’s face to people at the airport. Also, the actress has promised the paparazzi that she will soon come forward to click pictures herself, but only if the children are not with her.