A video of Tamil actor Ajith Kumar is trending on social media. In the viral video, he can be seen doing action stunts without a body double. The video is from the sets of actor Ajith’s upcoming film Vida Muyarchi.
Lyca Productions has shared this video on x social media. Sharing the video, the production house wrote, “Bravery knows no limits! Witness the fearless dedication of Ajith Kumar as he performs a daring stunt sequence without any stunt double in #VidaaMuyarchi.”
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In the first video, Ajith Kumar can be seen driving a high-speed car while actor Aarav is strapped to his seat. A few seconds later, the car overturns.
In the other two videos, the car is being driven from different angles before overturning. After this, the crew can be seen running towards the scene with bated breath.
watch the video
Bravery knows no bounds! 💪 Witness Ajith Kumar’s fearless dedication as he takes on a daring stunt sequence in #VidaaMuyarchi without any stunt double. 🫡 🔥#AjithKumar pic.twitter.com/62NyEG4cvG
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) April 4, 2024